
I'll be Speaking at the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Experience!

Carlos O'Connor-Reina MD, PhD 

Sleep Medicine Specialist promoting new options for improving health of OSA patients all over the world.

Join Us in Celebrating 125 Years!

The AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Experience is the premier education and networking event for the otolaryngology-head and neck surgery community.


The AAO-HNSF 2021 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience will take place October 3-6 live in Los Angeles, California, and will celebrate the Academy’s 125th anniversary with special events and a dynamic education program. We hope to see you in LA, but if you are unable to attend in person, there will also be a virtual meeting experience with more than 300 education sessions. 

This Year's Highlights

  • Keynote address featuring Neha Sangwan, MD, on the topic of wellness and resilience


  • Conference registration includes three-year access to OTO Logic with the opportunity to earn 300+ hours of CME credit


  • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 AT 6:00 PM (PT) AT XBOX PLAZA. Presidents’ Reception


  • Introduction of the New ‘Personal and Professional Development’ specialty track


  • New features include the Great Debates and Simulation Activities


  • MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, AT CEDARS-SINAI. Worst Case Scenarios: Managing OTO Emergencies in Practice Simulation Workshop