Military Communications Conference
28 November – 2 December 2022 // Rockville, MD, USA
Celebrating 40 Years of MILCOM -
Transforming Decision Making through JADC2
Military Communications Conference
28 November – 2 December 2022 // Rockville, MD, USA
Celebrating 40 Years of MILCOM -
Transforming Decision Making through JADC2
Join us at MILCOM 2022!
We are excited to sponsor this year's MILCOM! Join us 28 November - 2 December 2022 in Rockville, MD, USA.
About Lockheed Martin:
Welcome to MILCOM 2022
Founded in 1982, MILCOM has been the preeminent forum bringing together thought leaders in government, industry, and academia to discuss innovative research and cutting-edge technology development. Celebrating the 40th year anniversary of the MILCOM conference, MILCOM 2022 is themed around “Transforming Decision Making through Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)”, building technology pillars in secure communications, resilient networks, multi-domain operations, cyber security, and machine learning.
MILCOM 2022 will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including five technical tracks, workshops, a variety of technical panels and tutorials, for both the Unclassified Technical Program and the Restricted Access Technical Program. The conference will also feature keynotes and plenary panels with prominent speakers from government, industry and research organizations, as well as vendor exhibition, women’s forum, industry lightning talks, and student poster sessions.
Keynote Speaker Lineup
Heidi Shyu
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
Dr. Reggie Brothers
Chief Executive Officer