Join me at SHIFT20 and see my presentation debut. ![]()
Claire Sand
Advancements in Novel Processing and Packaging Technologies for Shaping the Future of Food Manufacturing and Consumption Advances in food processing, packaging, and digital technologies are enabling the food manufacturing industry to satisfy consumer demand for convenient, safe, sustainable, and healthy processed foods. This symposium features the highly coveted division lecturers from the Food Engineering, Nonthermal Processing, and Food Packaging divisions. Speakers will highlight how the research advances and innovations in food engineering, nonthermal processing, and packaging technologies that help to shape the future of the food manufacturing industry. For example, consumer demand for healthy food and beverage products has spurred a growth in the plant-based protein foods. The nonthermal processing division lecture will highlight how nonthermal technologies, particularly high-pressure pasteurization, enabled the food industry to develop innovative food and beverage products for satisfying consumer demand. The food engineering division lecture will discuss the role of computer-aided manufacturing and mathematical modeling tools for reducing experimentation and improving food product and process design. The food packaging distinguished lecture will highlight the top 10 technology fusions applicable for food packaging during the coming decade. This session is co-sponsored by Phi Tau Sigma, the honor society of food science and technology. SHIFT20 JULY 13-15, 2020 Virtual Event and Expo! ![]() WHAT GOT US HERE WON’T GET US THERE. We must pivot, evolve, grow, expand and shift our lens, our mindset, and our work to meet the needs of those we serve. MAKE STRATEGIC CONNECTIONS | DISCOVER NEW SOLUTIONS ENGAGE IN SCIENCE | ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS Let me know you're planning to attend.SHIFT20—Where we come together to shift what it means to develop, research, formulate, package, go to market, and lead our community. Stay in the Know