Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
In Massachusetts, protection and conservation of wetlands started early. In 1957, the Conser-vation Commission Act enabled municipalities to establish conservation commissions by vote at town meeting or city council. These commissions protected open land and natural areas. Their assigned duties included “promotion and development of natural resources ...and protection of watershed...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count279
Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
More than 20 years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 (New England) launched the Clean Charles initiative to make the Charles River fishable and swimmable again. Although the communities in the watershed, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, and other partners have been able to make great progress with the...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count631
Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
In Massachusetts, the wetland protection policy makes it very difficult to use low-function wetland areas for stormwater retrofitting. It varies by political jurisdiction, but engineering stormwater treatment systems into existing wetlands is generally not undertaken in Massachusetts. This forces stormwater treatment into more expensive upland areas and forces design engineers to adopt a more...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count154
Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
The City of Tavares, located in Lake County, Florida, has taken a proactive, collaborative approach to improving the water quality of Lake Dora as part of its Downtown Community Redevelopment Program (DCRP). Tavares abuts Lake Dora to the south. Lake Dora has been established as impaired and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has established TMDL for total phos-phorus. The city...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count320
Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
Despite having all the typical vegetation of wetlands, many suburban wetlands in Massa-chusetts and across the Northeast are not providing high function and value due to a disconnection from the historic floodplain, hydrologic disconnection from groundwater sources, and long-term hydrologic modifications as a result of agri-cultural draining. These low-value, low-function parcels may fail to...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count449
Description: Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for...
Water Resources Scientist and Practice Leader Zach Henderson works at Woodard & Curran and is based in Portland, Maine, US.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count22
Regional differences in wetland policies create obstacles and opportunities for stormwater retrofitting